Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Keeping the focus....

It is day 1 and sometimes starting any endeavor is ALWAYS the hardest part.  Satan wants to get a foorthold in this but we can't let him -- keeping the focus is important which is why I chose this verse for our love challenge:

"Therefore, God's chosen ones,
holy and loved, put on heartfelt compassion,
 kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience."
-- Colossians 3:12

So every day, every moment and every second we have to put on these virtues or our attempts to be the wives we want to be, are merely in vain.

DAILY ENCOURAGEMENT: Start a personal 'list' journal and write down as many acts of love you can remember doing for your husband or even things he has done for you and then after February is over show the man of your life so that he can see your desire to love him.  I was thinking of this in contrast to the mental lists we often make of the wrongs he has done to us and the ways he is unloving and how we can never let it go.  Now as we LOVE on him, lets not let that go! Happy 1st day!!


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