I think the last two sentences have really hit home for me with the most intensity these past weeks. MY expectations have always been a mood KILLER in my marriage and one of Scott's biggest frustrations in trying to live up to them. Poor guy!
Since this challenge started, my focus has shifted from my expectations to focusing on my husband. It has been such a breath of FRESH AIR to us both. In fact, this past Valentine's day was the best we have had since before we were married! We had a blast from the beginning of the day to the very end and it all came down to the fact that I went into the day NOT EXPECTING ANYTHING!! So every little hug, every extra moment of tender time together was a bonus to me! I can't express to you what a joy it was to us both to go on a date and not get irritated, or frustrated with the other person. It was AWESOME! It will be a Valentine's Day I will always remember, not because of flowers, cards, candy or a catered meal, but because I enjoyed every moment for what it was...time to love and be loved by my man!
Thanks Mary Ellen. :)