Hello to all! Thank-you for taking a look at the blog -- if you have any suggestions or would like to post anything please contact me (nicnat99@msn.com) so I can get you the right info.
Following the verse that our church stands by, I felt that this should start us off in the right direction in our month long endeavor:
"Two are better than one, because they have good return for their labor. For if either of them falls, the one will lift up his companion. But woe to the one who falls and there is not another to lift him up."
Needless to say, it is up to us to do the right thing in regards to the relationship of our husbands but I personally find it to be much more comforting knowing that I am not going the course alone that somehow we are all in this together trying to work for a greater good of loving our husbands to the fullest. Satan has shown me already how much he despises this and has tried to sabotage my efforts in any way he can but we can't let him. He knows that a solid relationship can endure a lot of tough situations and temptations. When we are loving our husbands they have no reason to look elsewhere, they have no reason to be dissatisfied and they feel stronger and more respected and better able to lead our families. For those of us with kids or future plans to have kids we are setting these little people up for greater success when they see two individuals standing strong as a united front and it gives them the security to handle difficult situations as well.
Let me ask you all this: what can we lose by taking the challenge to love our husbands to the fullest this month? NOTHING
What do we gain? you guessed it... EVERYTHING, most importantly everything GOOD!!
So use the tools that we have before us: great, solid friendships to confide in, listen and encourage; a list of 28 love actions that can help us to DO, not just speak :)
Be encouraged lovely ladies as this can only have the Lord's blessing when we seek His will in this challenge.
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